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Websphere Application Server(01)--基础知识

Posted on By Freud Kang

1. WAS的各个版本

WebSphere Application Server Express


WebSphere Application Server Community Edition

是一个轻量级Java EE 应用程序服务器,它建立在 Apache 软件基金会的开放源代码应用程序服务器项目 Apache Geronimo的基础上。WebSphere Application Server Community Edition旨在帮助您加速开发和部署工作、利用来自开放源代码社区的最新技术、为构建 Java应用程序提供易于访问和灵活的基础,易于下载,并可免费使用。

WebSphere Application Server for Developers

该版本与应用程序最终运行的生产运行时环境相同,是为了减少开发人员的测试工作而推出的一款免费的产品,目的是让开发人员可以使用与应用程序最终运行的生产运行时环境相同的运行时环境进行开发,从而增强信心,目前支持的平台为Windows 和 Linux。

WebSphere Application Server Hypervisor Edition

该版本基于 WebSphere Application Server的核心配置构建,提供了一个高可用、动态可扩展和易于管理的环境。此版本预置了 SuSe Linux Enterprise Server操作系统和 IBM WebSphere Application Server V7.0 或 V6.1 的虚拟镜像包,可以运行在VMware ESX 或 ESXi 服务器上。使用此虚拟映像可以快速安装、部署和卸载 WebSphere环境,便于快速评估产品。

WebSphere Application Server Liberty Core

轻量级的生产运行时,用于快速开发和部署 Web 应用和云应用。

WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment

构建在 WebSphere Application Server基础上,并提供了高级部署服务,包括集群、网络边际 (edge-of-network) 服务、Web服务增强和用于分布式配置的高可用性。

WebSphere Application Server for z/OS

使用与针对分布式平台的WebSphere Application Server 相同的编程模型,但是专门进行了优化以利用 IBM zSeries 硬件和z/OS 操作系统所特有的服务质量。

2. 各个版本提供的内容


3. WAS ND分布式部署图


4. WAS Liberty架构图


5. 基础概念讲解

5.1 Profiles:

To create different types of WebSphere Application Server runtime environments, you must install the WebSphere Application Server core product files and then create a set of configuration files called profiles.

5.2 Deployment manager

The deployment manager is the central administration point of a cell that consists of multiple nodes and node groups in a distributed server configuration.

5.3 Node

A node is an administrative grouping of application servers for configuration and operational management within one operating system instance.

5.4 Node agent

In distributed server configurations, each node has a node agent that works with the deployment manager to manage administration processes.

5.5 Cell

A cell is a group of nodes in a single administrative domain.

5.6 Cluster

A cluster is a group of nodes in a single administrative domain.

5.7 Application server

The application server is the platform on which Java language-based applications run.